Frequently asked questions.

What treatment type and length should I book?

A general description of the treatment type is provided on our services page, select whichever is most applicable to you and it can be adapted based on the consultation on the day of your appointment. Length of treatment is dependent on the areas of the body needing treatment. Generally 1 or 2 areas of concern can be effectively treated in a 30 or 45 minute duration, any more than 2 should be given 60 to 90 minutes to allow time to properly address the issues given.

This is my first massage, what should I expect?

During our consultation prior to treatment we will go over everything you need to know! We will discuss your goals of treatment and make suggestions based on your symptoms and areas of concern. We will go over your rights as a patient, the risks and benefits of massage and explain in detail how go get on and off the table.

Do I have to disrobe?

Although skin on skin contact is ideal for the most effective treatment we would much rather you be comfortable! Disrobing procedures are always based off of patient comfort level and we can adapt our techniques around whatever is most comfortable for you!

Is this covered under my insurance?

Yes! As Registered Massage Therapists, all our treatments are able to be claimed under your insurance plan. Please check with your provider prior to your appointment to find out if your plan includes massage therapy and how much is covered!